‘Traditions run deeper than law’ – submission 2 – the good wife

an embossed 4′ x 8′ wall hanging made from pulped and reconstituted paper. While the pulp is wet it is malleable and easy to work with. its size is imposing and its colour a dull grey reminiscent of stone. once dried is has a leathery texture but becomes fragile and easily cracked and broken when handled. This ongoing damage is reflective of the everlasting consequences of FGM.

the poem “The Good Wife – traditions to improve your daughters prospects” was written with the intentions, consequences and repetitive cycle of abuse in mind. Embossed, indelibly imprinted into the overwhelming, grave-like hanging, the text almost merges into the paper which means its difficult to capture the detail in a photograph

the good wife - text detail

deborah martin artists against FGM submission 1


  1. The work you’ve posted relating to FGM is fabulous; beautifully done and worthwhile. I can feel the care and patience you have taken to create such gentle shapes to represent such sensitive material.

    I love the concept of the bucket to reflect the views of those who carry out this cruel act and who treat female genitalia as worthless. I also like the drying paper pulp – when no longer attached to the body they wither and die as do their owners.

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